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Below is a brief summary of the workshops I am currently offering. Workshops may be scheduled for individuals, couples, groups, or organizations, and are appropriate for a corporate "lunch & learn" seminar or retreat. I will also be happy to work with you to custom-design a workshop to meet your needs. Pricing information is available by calling 973.493.8006.

Mindful Mondays

I hold a mindfulness workshop in my office from 7-8pm every Monday evening. This is a shorter version of the "Easy as Breathing" workshop described below. Mindfulness basics will be covered for those who may be new to the practice, and a guided meditation will follow. Space is limited, so please call ahead to reserve your place. Drop-ins welcome, as space permits. (1 hour) $20/session

Easy as Breathing: The Basic of Mindfulness

This workshop teaches the basics of mindfulness meditation. Participants will also learn how to strengthen the body/mind connection, and increase physical, mental, and emotional self-awareness through regular mindfulness practice. (90 minutes) 

Mindfulness for Stress Reduction

Participants will learn how the stress response is activated, and the effects that chronic stress can have on the brain and body. Various stress-busting strategies will be discussed, and the workshop will conclude by teaching the basics of mindfulness, including a guided meditation. (1 hour) 

The Mindful Self

Participants will learn the basics of mindfulness, as well as how to use those skills to develop and enhance body/mind awareness. The seven major chakras (energy centers of the body) will be introduced, and guided meditations on each chakra will be used to assist participants in exploring various aspects of the Self, including personal power, communication, and creativity. Using group discussion, individual journaling, and guided meditation, participants will learn how to use self-knowledge and awareness to deepen their personal spiritual path. This workshop can be taught as a weekend intensive (Sat/Sun), or as a series of 3-5 classes.

50 Church Street, Suite L3, Montclair, NJ 07042

Phone: 973.493.8006

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